The beauty and simplicity of a seed is truly amazing -- how something so small and seemingly insignificant can morph into something so majestic. Affected by obstacles and influences outside of its control, its growth can either be stunted by neglect, or nurtured. When tended to, a seed will not only thrive, but transform and develop into a living symbol of strength and rebirth.
That seed resides in you.
Tend to it and see what blooms!
I am a lover of people -- their hurts, their hearts, their pain, and their struggles – mostly because I have been there. I know the heaviness that depression can bring, the exhaustion of anxiety, the darkness of loneliness. I spent a large majority of my late teens and early twenties battling the demons of emptiness, perfectionism, and chronic worry. And I have come out on the other side happier, healthier, and more accepting of myself. Now here I stand, twenty years later, helping others to do the same -- how to love themselves, uncover hidden truths, explore the not-so-pretty messes of life. It is my passion to work alongside women and girls who need that same support, guidance, and unconditional understanding. There is hope. Your story can change.
Self Harm
Suicidal Ideation
Adolescent Issues
Insecure Attachment
Emotional Regulation & Expression
Family Conflict
Women's Issues
Binge Eating
Self Esteem
Personal Growth
Relationship Struggles
Women today face a variety of unique challenges, more than ever before. The demands of being female can result in insecurity, loneliness, and frustration, leading to depression, eating disorders, self-harm, and anxiety. Therapy can help both adolescents and women feel heard, understood, and cared for, leading to renewed strength, self-esteem, confidence & empowerment.
The preadolescent and teenage years can be difficult as developmental milestones mark an increased need for self-expression and independence. Individual therapy can help preteens and young adults maneuver through feelings of unhappiness, anger, or internal disconnect, allowing them to grow in self-awareness, acceptance, understanding, and communication.
Couples and family therapy can be helpful for those struggling with relational discord. It aims to uncover the root issues that lead to disconnect, anger and conflict, by strengthening emotional bonds, increasing communication, and setting boundaries. Connection is key to long-lasting and healthy relationships.
$150 per 50-minute session | cash or credit *
$170 intake fee (first appointment only)
Although I am an out-of-network provider, some insurance companies will
reimburse for services. Check with your insurance company about this option.
* Pricing may change, but not without a 30-day, written notice to Clients.